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Image by Bruno van der Kraan


is the powerful new book that provides practical ways that priests, pastors, counselors, plus concerned family and friends, can assist post-abortive women and men in the journey toward healing and holiness.


Praise for Healing The Deepest Wounds 

“Psychologically astute, scientifically current, and spiritually grounded, Father Ben Cameron has written a small masterpiece of pastoral reflection.  At times bold and fearless, at other times, gentle and soft-spoken, this book promises to be an essential guide for anyone coping with the aftermath of “society’s deepest wound.” As a resource, this book is invaluable; as spiritual counsel, it is instrumental; and as spiritual reading, it speaks to the heart."


Father J. Augustine Wetta, O.S.B.

Saint Louis Abbey

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Order your copy today. It's the perfect primer for anyone who wants to help someone heal after being wounded by abortion. Buy a copy for yourself and one for your pastor.

The millions of children lost to abortion have left behind double that number of spiritually and emotionally wounded parents. Pastors and counselors urgently need Father Ben's short but profound and practical book.

Father Ben shares his journey of how he came to minister in a special way to post-abortive men and women. 

Watch Father Ben's conversation with Kevin Burke on the Oceans of Mercy Podcast. Discover Fr. Ben's personal journey of faith and his growth as a minister of  compassion to those who suffer after abortion.

Father Ben Cameron,CPM 

Fathers of Mercy

Father Ben Cameron is available for retreats, healing workshops, and training sessions for counselors, pastors, and church leaders.

Reach out to the Fathers of Mercy to plan an event with Father Ben for your group.

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Mater Media

448 Bluff Meadow Drive

Ellisville, Missouri 63021



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©2024 BY ZIP RZEPPA.  Praised be Jesus and Mary!

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